A lunar cycle with Inanna

– meet the Goddess and find your inner power

Have you heard the voice of the Goddess from deep down in the earth?

Can you feel that She is calling you to take the next step?

Are you ready to take off your masks and veils that hide your true self?

Do you want to open yourself to Inanna’s powerful energy, transforming power and unconditional love?

Are you ready to journey with Inanna for one lunar cycle?

Then this course is for you.

You may feel that even if you know that you are on the right path, and have walked with the Goddess for a long time, you are missing something right now.

You want to go deeper, and you want to get to know Inanna and see what she has to teach you.

You want to go deeper in your spiritual practice, or get new ideas and tools.

You might feel that right now, you need someone else’s guidance to move on.

Because even if you can reach the same depth on your own, you can, by letting go of how you usually do things, light a new spark inside.

Take a deep breath, and welcome Inanna.


About me

My name is Elin Hejll. I am a Priestess and I have been walking with the Goddess for over 20 years. In 2001, I began a three-year training with Kathy Jones in Glastonbury to become a Priestess of Avalon. Since then, I have created ceremonies at Glastonbury’s Goddess Conference, as well as Goddess Conferences and festivals in Sweden and Germany. I am the founder of the Stockholm Goddess Temple where I have held Goddess Temple weekends with ceremonies and talks, and I also hold ceremonies in various places in and around Stockholm.


Resting in the power of the Goddess

I have created this course because I know that many of us long to get to know more of the Goddess’ faces and aspects.

I know that all these aspects have so much to teach us because we are constantly confronted with hidden and forgotten things within us.

I know that many long to rest in the power and energy of the Goddess because we find such strength there. Strength that we then take with us into our daily lives.

I know that so many of us long for a stronger connection with the Divine. I want us to honur and celebrate the sacred within us.

The course

For only $87 (installment payment is available if you contact me) you get everything you need for this inner journey.

All the material divided into lessions, or as a pdf manual, including Inanna’s myth, how to create an altar, instructions for daily rituals you can do and questions to reflect on.

Recorded ceremonies and rituals:

Full moon ceremony (30 min) which includes a guided meditation where you meet Inanna.

Dark moon ceremony (30 minutes) with a guided meditation where you meet Inanna.

Three recorded daily rituals to choose from.

Two guided rituals, around 6 minutes each that you can choose from.

A grounding meditation focused on the breath.

There is also a third practice that you can easily do after reading the instructons.

How does it work?

The course is designed so that you start with the activation ceremony (30 minutes) under the full moon.

Every day you do a daily practice of your choice. The ritual allows you to deepen your connection to Inanna daily.

During the dark moon you are guided through another ceremony, also around 30 minutes.

This course is created so that you decide what to do on what day, all of which will deeper your connection to Goddess and to yourself.

Inanna will awaken hidden and forgotten parts of yourself and She will give you strength. Strength that already exists within you, but which you may have forgotten.


What other people have said about my courses and ceremonies:

Hi Elin, I had to tell you how much I enjoyed your course. First, wow, I did not expect to get that much out of this. I have practiced Wicca before but this course was very informative, but still easy to follow and complete. It was such a beautiful experience and I must recommend it to all women who want a deeper sense of contact with themselves and their own divine feminine energy. After the course, I stand here with a renewed sense of reverence for life and a sense of power. I can only say that it feels wonderful! ”
(About Awakening to the elements)

Anne Purcell

“Thank you for the beautiful ceremony! It was both quiet and powerful, and I received strong messages from the Goddess in the guided meditation. Things I had not wanted to face before, but I feel that now I can do it! ”


“To be able to sit in the circle you created for us was so magical! This is something I really miss and I will join again whenever I can! Thank you for everything you create! ”

Is this course for you?

Worried that you will not be able to keep up with it?

My courses are created for people of today, who work full time, and are busy with their families and more.

You can, if you want, do the daily ritual for a few minutes in the bathroom! If you can get five minutes for yourself a day, that’s all you need!

Around the full moon and dark moon, however, you need 30 minutes for the ceremonies.

But if you set your intention to journey with Inanna for a lunar cycle, I’m sure you will be able to set aside that time for yourself and your development.

What will I get out of this course?

As always with spiritual work, we get what we put in. If we set an intention to walk with the Goddess, with Inanna, then the spark is already lit, and She listens.

If you do the daily rituals and ceremonies, you will notice how your focus shifts, your contact with Her is strengthened and you will find strength within you that you forgot.

This is for you if:

-you are ready and prepared to dedicate yourself to Inanna for one lunar cycle.

 -you feel in your heart that She is calling you, and you are ready to follow.

 -you know that you are have hidden or forgotten strength within you and you are ready to deepen your connection to Goddess and open up to something new!